2011年3月21日 星期一

駱駝家族相見歡:三月在「大肚」 (A Reunion of Camel Brothers)


Camel Brothers are a particular group of men who formerly studied at Provincial Chiayi Teachers Junior College (CTJC); they are my former classmates and I, who lived and studied together from September 1970 to June 1975. Shortly after we came to study in the same class, we named our class "Luotuo" (meaning Camel) as we all agreed that the camel is a respectable animal capable to "carry heavy loads" -- In our opinion, education is critically important for the whole country and for any young individuals, though it is by no means an easy thing to do. We were expected to become elementary school teachers after graduation from the Teachers Junior College, so we should learn from the camel to be able to "carry the heavy responsibilities" as a good educator.

As expected, almost all of us became school teachers after graduation from CTJC in 1975. Then, after completing our minimum teaching duties* several years later, some of the Camel Brothers left the schools where they worked, and started seeking other ways to fulfill themselves. Some changed their jobs at once; some went somewhere for further studies. But whether my former classmates and I stayed or left our original teaching positions, we've always called ourselves "Luotuo Xiongdi" (or Camel Brothers). We do cherish the special, long-lasting intimate friendship with each other. We've recently decided to meet more often than before -- At least, the Camel Brothers who live in Central Taiwan would like to have a regular reunion, say, once a month!**

* We had to teach at a school for five years, because we had previously received the government sponsorship for five years (when studying at the Teachers Junior College).
** The photos below are only a few Camel Brothers with their family meeting at Dadu in March; we're planning to meet again in Dakeng next month!

駱駝家族相見歡!七個家在中部的駱駝兄弟,有些帶著家人一道來,在「大肚」會合賞鳥,並且享用美味的中餐,特別感謝阿才(駱駝兄弟 28 號)的盛情招待!. . . . . 我們已決定四月份要到「大坑」相會,這回,說好要 go Dutch (享用者各自付費) 的唷!

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