2016年7月28日 星期四

石門社區參加 "衛服部" 年度社區評鑑 (Photos, Part One)


衛生福利部 105 年度社區評鑑
(照片第 1/3 輯)

In April this year (2016) Shimen Community Development Association (SCDA) joined the annual evaluation conducted by Nantou County Government (See #2016-0401A, etc. for the photos) and was highly graded -- Yes, SCDA was regarded as one of the Best CDAs in Nantou County this year, so it is now taking part in the national Evaluation, which is conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). Good luck to you, all young and old people at SCDA!

Following is Part One of the photos that I have taken; you may click and see more photos in Part Two (照片第 2/3 輯) and Part Three (照片第 3/3 輯).
