2017年4月20日 星期四

A Quick Visit to NTT (台中國家歌劇院)


What do you see in this picture?
Only a butterfly?
Or more?

Accompanied by Qiaoling Zheng (a Chinese teacher at CES), Ms. Gerlinda (principal of Cambridge-Ellis School, in Boston) and her husband (whose name sounds like "shook-keel" for me but I don't really know how to spell) are visiting St. James' Preschool, in Taichung. They arrived here on Tuesday and will be leaving soon for Taipei on Friday.

On Tuesday evening we had a welcome party for them, which Jean and I were invited to join in, as well. And now on Thursday afternoon, as a group of 10, including our 3 guests and 7 St. James' representatives such as Ms. Susan Chen (principal of St. James' Preschool, in Taichung) -- we went together and visited NTT (the National Taichung Theater or 台中國家歌劇院), where I took the following pictures. -- For more information of NTT, you may click and see: Venue Info (空間介紹).

 "The tallest cave" (最高的洞穴!)

   A clock decorated with calligraphy

 "The longest cave" (最長的洞穴!)

 The Outdoor Theater (戶外劇場)

Jean Huang and Qiaoling Zheng (鄭巧玲)
at National Taichung Theater

 A Picture of the interior of the Grand Theater
(導覽人員以 iPad 展示:大劇院內部)

The Sky Garden of NTT
