2018年2月25日 星期日

Attending Antony Liang's Graduation (難忘的畢業典禮)


My good friends Rev. Charles Chen and Rev. Lily Chang and I came from Taiwan early this morning to attend my son's graduation. The ceremony was held at St. Paul's Church (an Anglican church, in the Diocese of Hong Kong Island) on the evening of Sunday, February 25, 2018.

We were very impressed by the ceremony (see photos). We were happy and excited to meet people; in fact, we met and chatted with quite a number whom we had known, including the Archbishop and Primate Paul Kwong, and Dean of St. John's Cathedral the Very Revd Matthias Clement Tze-Wo Der, and so on and so forth.

For me (and for Antony, I'm sure), this is an unforgettable occasion and, well, it's definitely one of the most important events that have happened in our lives. Both my son and I, as you can see, will always remember how the Lord our God has blessed us to this very day! ... But for now, I'd like to give special thanks to Rev. Charles Chen and Rev. Lily Chang, as well as Ms. Catherine Lee and many others, for their encouragements and congratulations!

相關文章 / See also: #2018-0227, More Photos: 《典禮外 ● 足跡/留影》

Speaker: Prof. Lesley White, Executive Dean
of the Faculty of Arts and Education
at Charles Sturt University

1st Reading: Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10
Lector: Mr. Liang Fan Wei

2nd Reading: Matthew 11:25-30
Lector: Mr. Tong Chi Hon

Preacher: Dean of St. John's Cathedral, Hong Kong; 
the Very Revd Matthias Clement Tze-Wo Der, 

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...


It's an unforgetable event in Antony's and his parents's lives of having this marvelous achievements of the Antony Liang who completed his study three years at the Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong. We all at St. James' are proud of his outstanding success, acquaring for the degree of the Master of Theology.

Antony is really the brianliant star of the Episcopal Church in Taiwan tomorrow! Many congratulations to him and his wife and to his remarkable parents, Jean and Jerry my good friends in Christ. Halleluia!

Mookoo Liang 提到...

Thank you so very much, Rev. Charles. It's really our hour and pleasure that you and Rev. Lily Chang could join with me attending Antony's graduation ceremony. At this moment I'd just want to say THANK-YOU to you and Rev. Lily and also to many, many others who have kept guiding and supporting my son (and me and my wife...) in the path of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God; also to you all!